what i learned from the election

This is not one of those blogs, I promise.

A couple days ago, I heard about some estimated amount each presidential candidate spent to smear their opponent  How much did each person spend? I don’t know. I don’t care. That isn’t the point of this blog. But, it did get me thinking…

First, a confession: I didn’t vote. Not because I don’t care about who leads our country or because I “couldn’t decide between two evils”; I didn’t vote just because I didn’t vote. As a result, I feel like it put me in a unique position of perspective (unto myself), though, which enabled me to step outside of the drama and see things in a different way. To be honest, I guess, I didn’t vote because I’m sotiiiiiiired of striving. I’m tired of being at odds with half of my country.

I’m tired of bashing the things I hate instead of promoting the things I love.

You know what I love?

I love my husband.
I love my friends.
I love traveling and experiencing this beautiful, diverse world with its beautiful, diverse people.
I love Jesus.
I love tea in the late afternoon and warm days in the middle of winter.
I love the smell of the ocean and the way the tide sucks the sand from beneath my feet.
I love flash mobs. Especially when they break out in a Thriller routine.
I love fits of laughter from silly games and awkward moments.
I love being a mother.
I love helping everyone realize their worth no matter the circumstance in which they have found themselves.
I love photography and sun flares.
I love crafting and creating new things.
I love England and Platform 9 3/4.
I love community and connecting with new, interesting people. Even people who might not share the same opinions or beliefs as I do.
I love being pleasantly surprised by the soft side of humanity.
I love spending Monday nights snacking and squealing while zombies roam the screen in my living room.
I love fog.
I love being witness to moments of beauty and strength so long contained within and suddenly liberated from a woman in labor. I also love being a doula.
I love blogging and spilling my thoughts out on paper; it clears my heart to help it beat.

You know what I hate?