Love, The Proudest Mama

Image credit: Charity Remington Photography
Image credit: Charity Remington Photography

It’s my baby’s birthday. I can’t believe that at this time, three years ago, I was less than two hours away from being introduced to a tiny human being that I would fall in love with so hard. I’ve described having a child as the greatest gift God has given to me, second only to salvation. My little gift, Malachi, has been center-stage in my life since that day.

His laugh ignites a spark in my heart that brings the laughter to my own lips; bubbling up from my depths like a spring of water deeply buried. I cannot help but join in to his fits of giggles. To not do so would be to waste a moment of purest joy. The kid has an awesome sense of humor.
I cannot describe to you the warmth that spreads in my heart when he sidles up to me and says, “Mama, you’re a princess.”
When he wants to be called Supermanboy, I have no intention of calling him by any other name. Because Supermanboy fits him so well. I can see in him the potential and strength to be anyone and anything he chooses to be.
Now that he’s talking non-stop, I fully intend on whipping out my journal to record any quips he comes up with. Even the ones that make me want to hide in a hole- you know, those thoughts that come flying out in public and you can’t shush them fast enough? I’m excited even for those.
I have so many high hopes for my Malface. I cannot wait to see his gifts and inner talents float to the surface so I can teach him to embrace who God has made him to be. I will do anything short of sin for him- to make sure that he knows that God has created him, that he is wonderfully made, that the plans for his life are big and directed by the Creator of the Universe. If there’s anything I do as a parent that I want to outshine all the other things, it’s instilling in my son the knowledge of Jesus. The love of Jesus. Malachi will know who is God is and he will know how good God is.

Mal will always know how proud I am of him. He will never question that with each right-of-passage, with each milestone that he reaches I will be there to cheer him on like an insane sports fan.
And this is what I’ll pray over him, every day:
“I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.”

Malface, Mama loves you more than you’ll ever know. I hope that your day is awesome, full of laughter and delight. I hope that you know that you’re loved no matter where you are. Be safe as you celebrate your third anniversary of being the coolest kid on the planet. I love your face big.

♥ The proudest Mama